The Mathematical Multiverse

I shall speak about some recent developments on the subject of modal model theory for the Junior Logic Seminar at the University of Oxford. The talk, titled The Mathematical Multiverse, will take place at the Mathematical Institute on November 16, 2021 at 5PM UK time. Please contact Brian Tyrrell should you like to join us. […]

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British Logic Colloquium PhD day

I gave a short introductory talk on modal model theory for the British Logic Colloquium PhD day, taking place at 1st September 2021 as a part of the BLC Annual Meeting 2021 at Durham University. I explained the general idea and gave an update on the progress of my research, pointing out some new directions towards which […]

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Modal model theory

This blog post from August 2019 now includes an update with regard to a result that is now revoked. Research has its ups and downs… I would like to share with you a brief description of what I have been doing at Oxford for the past eight months. Since my adviser has already written about […]

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A half-pie ratio

Allow me to tell you about an interesting construction I learned from the Stewart’s Calculus book. Start with a square of area one. Next, extend your current rectangle, alternately, on top or beside, by another rectangle of area one. The first 500 steps of this construction are shown below. If you watch the animation carefully, you […]

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Liar’s Paradox

This was a talk for “Academic English: Spoken Communication 2” that I gave last Thursday. Please note that this presentation was aimed for non-mathematicians and non-philosophers. Thus, I concealed any anxiety about the topic for clarity’s sake. There is a short clip on the second slide and a GIF on the third one. Unfortunately, these […]

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University of Oxford

I shall take up a place as a Recognised Student in the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Oxford starting 7th January 2019. I shall be undertaking research on the topic of “the philosophical consequences of recent advancements in ‘Multiverse inspired mathematics.” My academic adviser will be Professor Joel David Hamkins. I anticipate this […]

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